the third dimension

finally i give some pictures to the press and you have the chance to see pictures the next month. for everybody who would like to have a big size high quality print and support projects like this, you can order a print on my webshop.

books out now

ask your local bookshop to order or amazon amazon books my tibetan artbook i worked on the last 5 years. and the sketchbook is a smaller version of my book of paintings from 2005-2009.  

webshop online 10% of everything up to end of august. just use code SWASTIKA and order easy and fast over our new webshop. more coming soon. —

art show / exhibition


tibetan art book

after 5 years of painting and working on my first book it comes finally to an end. the next month the finall book will get corected and some small last change in layout and stuff. it will get published after the summer. the label who publish it will also made a second edition of my […]